Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun at the Cabin!

Playing with the Wii and Phone

Kyla and Genevive making funny faces!

Fun on the sledding hill

Putting Mommy to work

Wanting to go out for an early morning snowmachine ride

Sledding with Mommy!

Cutie Pie!

Ready to Go!!!

Feeding the birds with Grandma!

Out for a night ride with Grandma!

So tired, but wanting to go out for a ride with bunny and paci!

Our little night owl out for a snowmachine ride!

Wearing Mommy's goggles

...and Mommy's gloves

Kyla and I went with my parents up their cabin for four days this week. We had beautiful weather, sunny and in the 30's! While at the cabin we spent a lot of time outside on the snowmachines, sledding and watching and feeding the birds. Kyla absolutely loves the snowmachines. She was out riding before the sun would come up and after the sun went down, we went for several rides each day. It is so cute to listen to her cheering and shouting "Go, Go, Go" while out for a ride. Kyla also had three friends to play with while at the cabin. She loved playing with the older girls (ages 6-10) and being the center of attention. Kyla had a blast at the cabin, but unfortunately was waking up early in the morning and in the middle of the night terrified, screaming and not wanting to be comforted and wanting to leave the bedroom immediately. Hopefully now that we are home she will have a much better night of sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures of Kyla with her bunny. Landon loves his bunny also and sleeps with him every night. Can't wait to see them together with their bunnies in SunRiver!
