Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Kyla's first time using the electric mixer

Kyla is such a big helper!


Decorating cupcakes with lots of pretty sprinkles

Yummy Cupcakes

Making Heart Shaped Pizza

Cheese Pizza

Lots and Lots of Cheese

Kyla's Valentines Dinner

Heart Pizza

Kyla with her Tinkerbelle balloon at Fridays

Pretty Valentines, Kyla, Ella and Ethan

We had a fun Valentines Day Weekend this year. We celebrated from Friday through Monday with different little things each day. Kyla and I made Red Velvet Cupcakes from scratch with really yummy cream cheese frosting and decorated them with conversation hearts and valentines sprinkles. We also made lots of different valentine art projects with paints, fingerpaints, stamps and stickers. Kyla made Jon and I valentines day cards that were very cute and she was very proud.

My mom, Kyla and I went to a valentines day lunch and Kyla got a very cute tinkerbelle balloon from someone who was making balloons for all of the kids at the restaurant. Jon and I celebrated valentines day a day early and went to a movie and out to dinner at a steak house. We saw the movie "Just Go With It", it was a really funny movie. The last time that I went to a movie was over 2 1/2 years ago when I was pregnant.

On Valentines Day we made heart shaped pizzas for dinner and ate lots of chocolates for dessert. Kyla loves holidays and had so much fun doing Valentines Activities all month.

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