Saturday, April 17, 2010

21 months

Nakey Time!

Making a mess!

Mommy and Kyla!

Kyla is 21 months today, only 3 months left until my baby is 2!
In the last month Kyla has picked up a few funny new things that she likes to do. She loves to jump around in her crib with all of her stuffed animals in there and says "monkey, monkey, monkey...." She also acts like a monkey jumping on our bed and does all kinds of crazy dances where she looks like a monkey. Kyla has also decided that she prefers to be naked. She can take off all her clothes and her diaper by herself and then runs around and plays saying "nakey,nakey". She fights you when it is time to get clothes back on. She also is very picky about what she wears, inlcuding pajamas and will sometimes change her clothes a few times before finding the right outfit. Between this and her love for shoes and purses I think we are gonna be in trouble!

Kyla's favorite toys to play with lately are still legos, and now she also loves Thomas the train. She learned really quickly how to put the train tracks together and push the trains around. These are the only two activities that she can just sit and do for a long period of time.

Kyla has also become more and more talkative this month. She really repeats everything you say. It is amazing how she remembers words that we do not even say very often. Her favorite colors are blue and green and she says that everything is blue or green when you ask her what color they are. She is also very good at saying please and thank you. Kyla likes to tell you who the boys are and who the girls are and she always gets it correct.

Another funny thing that Kyla has been doing is eating everything with a spoon or fork. She has to get a spoon or fork out of the drawer herself and then feeds herself goldfish, sandwhiches and everything else using them. It is silly, but atleast she is a good eater.

In the last month Kyla has finally become a much better sleeper, now she only wakes up once or twice during the night looking for her paci and then goes back to sleep as soon as you find it for her. It is so nice for us all to get a good night of sleep!

Kyla is very sweet and loves to be the center of attention. She is so funny to play with, talk to and watch.

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