Going through the hoops is her favorite part!
This weekend Jon, Kyla and I went and stayed at the Prince Hotel at Alyeska Resort for a fun Ski Weekend! Kyla and Jon got to ski both Saturday and Sunday. We also went to Sushi for Dinner and to a nice breakfast in the hotel. We planned on going swimming a few times too, but Kyla only lasted about 30 seconds in the pool before she was ready to go. The water was pretty cold and I think she was pretty worn out from all the skiing she had done earlier. Kyla slept in bed with us and took up about 3/4 of the king size bed. I think she got a better nights sleep than she has got in a long time. We really enjoyed staying at the hotel and had a really fun time together.
Saturday was Kyla's first time skiing on her new real skis (besides doing a few practice runs down the driveway). She made huge improvements skiing with the extra support that the ski boots gave her and with skis that are waxed and go faster. She had a great time, she hardly fell and when she would still have a smile on her face and ask for more skiing when she did fall down.
On Sunday we met up with Kyla's friend Eli so that they could ski together. It was pretty snowy and the snow was deep and slow, so after doing a few runs they went up to a steeper magic carpet to ski a little faster. Kyla had fun skiing with her friend and beat him down the hill everytime! After skiing we went over to Jon's friends condo for lunch and to let the kids play. Kyla was wiped out after all the skiing and was sound asleep in her carseat before we even got out of the parking lot. We had a really fun weekend and am so happy that Kyla is loving skiing as much as she is!
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