Memorial Day Jon, Kyla and I went on a walk at Kincaid Park down to the secret beach. The weather was beutiful, it was sunny with not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was near 70 degrees. The half an hour walk to the beach was very nice, Kyla did well hiking down there and collected a bouquet of dandelions on the way there. Once we got down to the beach we found a sandy area to sit down and have a picnic on the beach.
Where we went is the beach of the inlet. We made sure to go when the tide was out to be safe, you can only play around out there when the tide is out and you have to be sure to leave before high tide. With the tide out we were able to go walk around in the mud and some shallow water. Kyla loved the warm slippery mud on her feet and had a lot of fun wading in the water. The hot weather wore Kyla out and Jon had to carry her back to the car, uphill the entire way.
We had a lot of fun at Kincaid and before we even had left Kyla was asking to come back again. She really liked the mud and water. It did not even feel like we were in Alaska while we were sitting on the beach in swimsuits in hot weather.