Cousins on my stepdad's side of the family
Stepdad's Parents and Siblings
Visiting with Family
Gift exchange
Having a Good time
My parents new Wii and games, everyone bought them Wii stuff for Christmas
Kyla sitting at her new table
Opening lots of Presents
Wanting to play with all her new toys
Kyla's Christmas Ornament from Grandma Mary and Grandad
Kyla with her new CD Player
So Excited!
Kyla's new pots, pans and apron
Santa brought Kyla a ball, it was the only thing she said she wanted
Kyla's new Crayola coloring table which plays music
Opening Presents
Kyla's new little people castle, she has lots of little people toys now.
Cabbage patch baby with carrier
Our Stockings
Kyla's toys in stocking
Kissing her new baby
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. It was so much fun to see the joy that Kyla had in opening her presents and visiting with family. It seemed like Kyla knew exactly what to do on Christmas Day. We woke up and she looked at the Christmas tree and said "on", she wanted the Christmas lights on. We went down stairs and she pulled at her stocking so I took it down and she immediatley took her new toys out of the stocking. In her stocking she had my little ponies, a baby and training pants. She was so excited about the baby, she kept saying "baby" and gave her lots of kisses.
After Breakfast it was time to open presents, lots and lots of presents. The first few that she opened she was very concerned about garbage and had to take each tiny scrap to the garbage bag to throw away. But, after opening a few presents and seeing the good things inside she became less concerned about the garbage and starting tearing into the presents. She wanted to play with each present and try on new clothes before opening the next present. She had lots of energy to open presents until we got to the last two and then she decided she had enough, so I had to open the last two.
For Christmas Kyla got a ton of fun new presents. From her Grandma Mary and Grandad she got a CD player, little people blocks, pajamas, a Christmas Ornament and a couple books. From her Grandma and Grandpa in Alaska she recieved a baby, a cabbage patch kids with a carset and bottle, a crayola coloring table, a little people carnival set, lots of new clothes, foam blocks, bath toys and little cars. From Aunt Shannons Family she got new kitchen pots,pans and utensils and an adorable apron. Aunt Marcies Family got her a new princess sippy cup and clothes. Mommy and Daddy got Kyla a table and chairs, a little people Castle, parking garage and barn, pajamas and a Mickey Mouse Music DVD. Santa brought Kyla two my little ponies, a talking and singing stuffed animal my little pony, a baby and a ball. Kyla loves all of her presents and is having a great time playing with them. We are very greatful for all of the gifts she was given.
After our fun Christmas morning we went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house for lunch with my stepdads side of the family. We had a great time visiting with everyone and had great food. The entire side of the family was there except for my sister and her kids who are in California and are busy packing for their move to Hawaii in four days.
We ended our Christmas Day playing with Kylas new toys for hours and having a great dinner. Once we put Kyla to bed we all stayed up learning how to play my parents new Wii system that they got for Christmas.
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