Ready to play out in the snow
The cabin
Happy 50th Birthday!
Steve and Paul
Steve and Madeline
Three Amigos
Kyla and Papa
Steve and Jesse
Mexican Night
Hanging out
Ready to Party!
Genevieve and Kyla with Louie
We went to the cabin in Petersville for New Years Eve and Steve's Birthday once again this year. We had a lot of new snow and the temeperature was around 30 degrees the entire time, so we were actually able to play outside a lot. Kyla had a great time snowmachining, sledding and making snow angels. Jon got to go on a longer snowmachine ride and test out the snowmachine that he is buying. The night before New Years Eve we let some fireworks off down on the lake and had a good little firework show.
New Years Eve we went over to my parents friends cabin for a Mexican themed dinner and 50th birthday party for my stepdad. Kyla had a lot of fun playing with their grandkids Genevive and Madeline and chasing around a little toy poodle. They played outside jumping off the deck into the snow and making snow forts. Unfortunately Kyla had just come down with a cold and was so unhappy and tired by 9:00 that we could not make it to the fireworks at the lodge that were at 10:00 p.m. Jon and I stayed at the cabin and watched the fireworks from out the window and I was asleep before midnight.
17 hours ago
The fireworks photos are amazing.