We finally decided to get rid of Kyla's paci!!! Jon and I have talked about it so much and it was soooooo hard for us to actually do it. Kyla is so reliant on her paci to take naps, sleep at night, when she is in the car and whenever she is tired, sad or gets hurt. Jon and I were not looking forward to taking away what seems to be one the most important things to her. We kept saying we would take it away after we moved to Alaska, and then once we had our own house, and then once we were done with our summer vacations, and finally we put it off longer and longer and decided we would take it away once she turned 2, and we finally did!
Thursday morning she woke up with her paci and kept it in for our car ride over to Ethan and Ella's house. Once we got there it went into a zipper compartment in my diaper bag. She had a great time playing and never even asked for it until she was ready for nap. Once it was nap time and she was asking for her paci I gave her the one that I had cut the nipple completely off of. I told her it was broken and that she is too big for paci's, that paci's our for babies only and that she is two. We had already talked about it a lot to her in the past few days that she was not going to have a paci anymore and that we were going to go to the toy store and she could get a few new toys to take its place.
Nap time did not go well at first, she cried for her paci for about 10 minutes and finally cried herself to sleep. Then after a two hour nap she woke up happy and said "Paci broke, New toy!" and then was perfectly happy all afternoon. Once we were in the car heading to the toy store she was sad on and off asking for paci every once in awhile. At the toy store she was so excited to pick out some new toys herself. I thought we were going to be spending some serious money there since she was picking what she got. But all she wanted were a few more play doh toys, a pucci pet (a horse in a cute little purse), and a few new books. She was so excited and kept saying "no more paci, new toys".
All evening went well and she barely even asked about her paci. At night time she wanted to see her broken paci and went to bed fairly easy, no crying! She woke up twice briefly during the night crying for it, but went back to sleep after a few minutes.
I can not believe how easy she gave it up. She has been so dependent on it lately and it broke my heart to think about taking it away. Jon and I had way more anxiety thinking about taking the paci away than we needed to have. I guess that she was more ready than we thought she was. We are so excited to no longer have to even think about paci's! We survived the first 24 hours with out a paci and now our only fear is that she will find one of her missing paci's around the house somewhere and we will have to start all over.