Kyla big girl!!! She is now sleeping in a toddler bed! She quickly learned how to climb out of both her crib and pack'n'play, and once she had it figured out she would climb out the second you put her in. It is amazing how they figure out how to perfectly climb out to avoid falling. She was pretty proud of herself and was feeling pretty big while Daddy converted her crib into a toddler bed. She was so excited I did not think that she would even be able to sleep. I layed her down at bed time and it sounded like the transition was going to be simple. Then about 5 minutes later she started crying and opened the bedroom door to get out. After that she did not want her nighttime music on, wanted the bedroom lights on and wanted nothing to do with her big girl bed. She finally went to bed about 2 1/2 hours later with us in our bed and then once she was asleep I layed her in her own bed. She stayed there until about 5:00 in the morning and then wanted out again. I am sure the transition will take a few days, but hopefully we can figure it out soon. It is amazing how big of deal this little change seemed to her.
19 hours ago
WOW! I'm dreading the day we turn the crib into a toddler bed. Hoping we still have a few more months until we will have that transition.