Jon, Monica and Kyla at a dinner party
Some of the moms and kids of Alaska's Kids Moms Group
Kyla and her friend Hannah dressed as ladybugs
Kyla riding a rocking moose, she loves moose!!!
Yesterday was a very full day for Kyla and us. In the morning we had to take Kyla in to get her 15 month shots, hard to believe she will be 15 months in just 1 more day now!!! We went to a new pediatrician since we have moved and they had three nurses in the room each holding a shot and on the count of three all administered the shot at once. Jon was the one holding her down, so I had to look at her poor little sad face when she was getting the shots :(
After the shots we went to an outdoor expo show where Jon got information on backcountry skiing and trailmaps. Kyla was given a giant balloon at one of the snowmachine booths. She was so funny walking around with a balloon bigger than her!
In the afternoon we went to the family dinner for the moms group. Unfortuantley by this time her lack of napping for the day and soar legs had got the best of her. She did fine at the party, but was just wanting to play in a quiet place by herself rather than with the 20 or so kids who were there. Her costume was very cute and she did not mind having it on at all. It was a great dinner and all of the dads finally got to meet eachother as well as see the other kids they here so much about. The party was such a great success that Jamie, the organizer, already sent out an e-mail last night about starting a planning committee for a christmas family party.
OMG!!! She makes an adorable lady bug.