At Grandmas house
Playing in Grandma's Garden
Picking Yummy Vegetables
Playing in her old bouncer
Kyla has enjoyed taking her toys out of their baskets and climbing in
Stacking Blocks and knocking them down
Having a bottle by Grandpa's wolf
Sitting with the bear and wolf at Grandma and Grandpa's house
Kyla loved when these three moose came to hang out in the front yard
Playing with the rabbits
Kyla loves the rabbits
Bunnies Everywhere
Doing her best to become friends with the bunnies
We have now been in Alaska for one week. The weather has been cool (in the 50's) and rainy on and off, which is a great relief after how hot it has been in Park City. Kyla is still making the adjustment to the two hour difference in time so are sleep schedules have been all over the place. This week we have spent most of the time just hanging out with my mom and getting comfortable in my parents home where we will be staying until Jon gets up here mid September and we find a place to live. Kyla has enjoyed playing in my moms garden, picking peas and raspberries, chasing three bunnies around my moms yard and watching moose and wishing she could get closer to them. She also has loved listening to the radio in my moms living room and dancing a lot, she is staring to learn some pretty good moves!!! Tommorow we will go the Alaska State Fair which is always a lot of fun. I am looking forward to taking her to the petting zoo since she loves animals so much. I think that Kyla is starting to miss being around kids so I need to start looking into finding a moms group in the area or activities for toddlers.
I can't get over the moose in the yard! CRAZY!! Bummer about Jon having to give up his job with Delta and the airline perks, but nothing is more important than spending time as a family.