Kyla Abigail Gurry
Kyla was born July 19, 2008 at 12:14 a.m. She weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 inches long. She is a beautiful big baby girl with dark hair and big blue eyes. She was born at LDS hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dad and Grandma Miranda were at the hospital for the delivery. I was in labor for 26 hours, pushed for 3 1/2 hours and then finally had a cesarean. Once she was born and we found out how much she weighed we finally realized why she was not coming naturally.
Kyla was born July 19, 2008 at 12:14 a.m. She weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 inches long. She is a beautiful big baby girl with dark hair and big blue eyes. She was born at LDS hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dad and Grandma Miranda were at the hospital for the delivery. I was in labor for 26 hours, pushed for 3 1/2 hours and then finally had a cesarean. Once she was born and we found out how much she weighed we finally realized why she was not coming naturally.
We are very thankful to have such a beautiful healthy little baby. She was very strong and alert as soon as she was born. She was holding her head up with her eyes wide open looking at me, dad and grandma. We had a long 5 day stay in the hospital and were happy to come home once we were released.
At my 39 week visit Dr. Rallison told me that he would be out of town on my due date. He said that his partner would deliver the baby if he was still gone, but said he was hopeful that I would still be pregnant when he returns. I however was ready to have the baby and did not want to still be pregnant when he returned. I met his partner in the practice since she would be the one to deliver if he was gone. But, when it was time to have the baby neither our Doctor or his partner could be reached. The on-call Doctor Dr. Pead and a team of many nurses and anesthioligists helped us through the long labor and delivery. We were lucky to be at the hospital on such a slow day in the maternity ward, we recieved a lot of attention.
Jon's family reunion in Sun River, Oregon began the same day as Kyla was born, so his family was unable to be in town for the delivery. Jon called them when we arrived at the hospital and they were anxiously awaiting to hear from us for the next 26 hours until Kyla arrived. We were sad we could not go to Oregon, but can't wait to go to the next reunion with Kyla.
I hope that you enjoy these pictures from Kyla's first couple of weeks!
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