Snow bunny
All dressed up for Santa
Playing in the snow
Out snowshoeing
Me & Daddy
Kyla in a winter wonderland!
We went for Kyla's first snowshoe! We had a great time, Jon had Kyla in the baby bjorn and we went for a great walk up the mountain. When we got to the top we let Kyla get out and play in the snow. She had a great time trying to crawl in the snow and eat it too. Kyla is now a little snow bunny and Jon is so proud. He is already talking about getting her on skis next spring when she is 1-1/2 years old.
My mom came down the week before Christmas to visit us. We had a great time with her in town. We went down to Provo to visit my cousin and Aunt, went shopping for Chrsitmas presents and spent a lot of time at home enjoying time with family.
Jon's parents came down the day after Christmas and we celebrated Christmas with them. Kyla had a ton of presents to open and had a great time doing it. She would tear the wrapping paper off of the presents and stuff it in her mouth. Kyla recieved a lot of very fun toys and cute outfits. We were very greatful for all of the gifts that are family gave her. Her favorite toy was a little stage that she recieved from her Uncle David and Aunt Lisa, they said it was also Taylor's favorite. Kyla likes to listen to the music and scream into the microphone. We had a great time this month and were so happy to have our parents come to town. It has been nice spending so much time with our family since having Kyla.
This month Kyla finally got her nursery. We had sent all of the baby furniture to Alaska, thinking that we would be moving soon but then the condo never sold. So, we finally bought new furniture for her room and she now has a cute little nursery. Until now Kyla has been sleeping in our room in the pack'n'play so it is nice to have her in her own room.