Sunday, December 25, 2011

Very Merry Christmas

Christmas morning started bright and early in our house this year! Kyla was very excited for Christmas and has been asking me if it is Christmas ever since we decorated the house for Christmas on Thanksgiving weekend. Kyla was up at 5 a.m. and by 5:30 we were all out of bed. We started opening presents at 6 a.m. and were done by 8 a.m. After presents we had an omelete for breakfast and then went to Great Grandma Elsie and Great Grandpa Daves for the day to visit with family, open more presents and eat some more. We finished the day off with going back to my parents house for dinner and more presents. It was a very fun filled day and Kyla got way too many presents as usual. This year some of Kylas presents inluded: Several baby dolls, baby doll clothes and a baby carrier, lots of new books and puzzles, a few new games, a camera, magnadoodle, lite brite, clothes, ugg boots, a few new rooms of furniture and animals for her doll house, a art desk and a ton of art supplies and workbooks, and what looks like a lifetime supply of chapsticks and lip gloss. She did very well on presents! We were very greatful for all the presents everyone gave her and how special this Christmas was to her and us as well.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

We were very excited to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning in our new house together. Christmas Eve we spent the day at home playing and then made pizzas for dinner, Kylas was shaped like a Christmas tree. After dinner and Ice Cream Kyla opened two presents, one present was her Christmas Pajamas and the other was two sets of stamps and ink pads. She was very excited about both presents. Before bed Kyla all by herself prepared Santa a plate of cookies, carrots for the reindeer and a glass of milk. We read Christmas stories, sang some Christmas songs and went to bed excited for Christmas morning.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Baking Cookies and Candies

Kyla was a big help this year with baking lots of Holiday cookies and candies. She loved measuring and pouring all of the ingredients, mixing and rolling dough. She loves to help in the kitchen and we had lots of fun baking this year for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Next American Idol

Kyla asked me to build her a microphone with her tinkertoys. Then she put on some music and began to sing and dance to almost every song on her CD. It was a very entertaining performance she put on. She loves music!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Muppets Movie

We took Kyla to the movie theatre for her first time ever. We thought she would really like to see happy feet 2, but it was only playing in 3D and we did not think she would care for the glasses you have to wear, so instead we saw The Muppets. She did better then I expected since she so rarely even watches cartoons. We bought lots of goodies, popcorn and two different kinds of Candy. She did want to get up a few times to go to the bathroom and run for a minute. She ended up falling asleep after about an hour, and unfortunatley missed the best part. She had fun going to the movie theatre, when the right movie for her comes out we will give it another try.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ballet Recital

As much as Kyla says she likes dance class, I could tell from the beginning that was just not ready to be learning dancing steps and routines. She did not seem that interested in the dances and preffered to watch the other kids. I was going to switch her back to gymnastics mid-sessions, but she insisted she really liked dance and wanted to continue taking dance classes. She learned a few dance steps but was never really able to put them together in the routines. The entire session they just worked on two dances, Yankee Doodle and a Barney song. I was excited to watch her dance recital, because normally we just have to watch on a tv from the waiting room. My mom came down to watch her dance too. I dont know if she was just overwhelmed by all the people who came to watch or what happened, but she froze! She did not move at all for either dance. I know she is very shy, and I think she just could not concentrate on dancing at all in a room full of adults. She did look cute in her dance outfit. But

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Preschool Christmas Performance

Kyla's preschool put on a Christmas Recital on their last day of school before going on Christmas break. Kyla had been singing many of the songs at home to me for the past several weeks, so I was really excited to see her in her recital. She did a very good job singing all of the songs and doing all of the hand motions, she was very dramatic and we had a great time watching her. After the recital they had a suprise visit from Santa. It was a very fun day at school!