Kyla has been speaking so much more lately and I just love to listen to the new things that she says. She is so funny and remembers everything that you tell her and has no problem repeating things. Kyla is at the point that I can understand everything that she says, although I think that is just because I am always with her because Jon has a little more trouble understanding her sometimes. She is now talking in sentences and learns so many new words everyday. Lately she has said some things that just make me laugh so much.
*We saw a rainbow and Kyla saw it and pointed, then she said "A Rainbow! It has pink in it!"
*We were at a friends cabin riding the four wheeler and Kyla was just talking and singing the entire ride, one of the things she said was "Love Mommy, Love Daddy, Love Rainbows, Love Unicorns sooooo much!!!"
*She saw a preview on TV that we have never before seen for Barbie's Fashion Fairytale and said "That's Kyla's Favorite movie, Buy it!"
*Kyla loves to say "Look at me" when she is talking to you. The other day she said "Remember Hawaii?" I replied "Yes", again she asked "Remember Hawaii?" again I said "yes". Then she grabs my face and said "Look at me! Remember Hawaii?" I looked at her said "yes" and the was the end of the Hawaii conversation.
*When we were visiting my sister's family in Hawaii her daughter Madeline was always saying "Oh Yeah!". That was about two months ago and Kyla is still saying "Cousin Madeline, Oh Yeah....." and repeats this over and over and over again! It is pretty cute.
*We called her cousin Madeline on her birthday so that Kyla could sing "Happy Birthday" to her. When Kyla woke up in the morning she wanted to call and I told her we had to wait because Marcie was probably still sleeping. The next day after already calling to sing happy birthday to Madeline, she started singing "Happy Birthday to Marcie sleeping!"
*We were at the Kenai River Fishing with both Grandma and Great Grandma. We were in the bathroom and she was talking about Grandma and was calling her "Great Grandma". I said "no that is just your regular grandma", so now Kyla sometimes calls her grandma "regular Grandma".
*Kyla went to her 2 year docotrs appointment and had to get a shot. She got a bandaid that had suns and earths on it. She knew what the suns were, but I had to tell her the other was the earth. About a week later her friend Ella had to go to the Doctor. Kyla said "Doctor. Shots? Bandaid, sun and (long pause to think real hard) earth!" It's amazing how well she remembers!
*When we were at the Doctor's office she kept calling it the "Doctor's House". I said "we are at the hospital". She kept trying to say hospital and then would go back to saying Doctor's house. A few days later she was talking about the Doctor and I said something about the Doctor's House, she looked at me and said "No, the hospital!"
*I am always telling Kyla that she needs to sit on her bum, not stand on the chairs and that it is not safe. Occasionally I have to stand on a chair to put something high up in a cupboard or on top of the fridge and she always says to me "Mommy, sit down! Bum. No standing, not safe!" Atleast I know shw is listening to me when I tell her this, even if she does not always follow directions.
I could go on and on and on with the list of funny things that she says everyday. I just laugh so much when she comes up with funny things to say or copies things that I say to her, it is so entertaining!