Another Vacation...
The three of us went up to Seattle to visit Jon's family. We spent a lot of time with Kyla's cousins. We went to a beach club near Shannon and Lisa's houses. We also went to a Halloween party at the kids school. Kyla was dressed as a ghost, a costume that Grandma Gurry had bought her. Rory and Lauren loved seeing Kyla and were so excited to hold her. This month Kyla started rolling over, both from tummy to back and back to tummy. She is a very strong little girl, she loves tummy time and loves to stand up. Her new favorite toy is her saucer. She no longer likes her bouncy seat or swing, she would much rather move around then be restrained in one of those.
This month I had to return to work at the preschool. I am very lucky to work in a school that has infant care. I am able to take Kyla to work with me everyday that I work. Currently Kyla is the only baby there so I am actually with her all day on the days I work until December when we have more babies there. I feel very lucky to spend this time with her and it has made returning to work much easier.