Kyla's second month was full of vacations! She is only two months old and has been on three vacations. Kyla and I went to Alaska for a week and a half to visit my parents. The weather was pretty cool and rainy so we spent most of the time inside. Kyla got to meet her grandpa, great grandma and grandpa and a couple of my highschool friends. We went downtown t0 the farmers market and to palmer for the state fair where Kyla got to meet a few more of my cousins. We had a great time and can't wait to move up there.
This month we also went to California to visit my sister and her family. My sister has a son Mason who was celebrating his 3rd birthday on September 28 and a daughter Madeline who was turning 1 September 11th. We had a lot of fun in California, Kyla had her first trip to Disneyland and even went on a few rides. We also went to Laguna beach and layed under an umbrella on the beach and put Kyla's toes in the water. She had a blast watching Mason, she watched everything he did.
Kyla did great on the plane rides, we think we have a little world traveler on our hands. We are looking forward to all of the places we are going to go with her.
This month at her 2 month wellness visit Kyla weighed 10.8 pounds which is 40%, her height was 23 3/4 inches which was 90% and her head is 50%.
Attached are a few pictures from Alaska and California.